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블라인드 박스



Jennifer Walters is a world-class New York City attorney in which her talents match those of the best defense attorneys in New York, although she often takes on cases that appeal more to her sense of justice rather than her pocketbook. Her entire life changed when she received an emergency blood transfusion from her cousin Bruce Banner. With gamma-irradiated blood coursing through her veins, Jen became the powerhouse She-Hulk—smart, strong, and sensational beyond compare! Available globally. © 2022 MARVEL

블라인드 박스

블라인드 박스에서 구매하면 이 시리즈의 임의의 수집품을 받게 되며, 지불 후까지 어떤 수집품을 받게 될지 알 수 없습니다.