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    A medida que incorporamos todas las funciones que te gustan y conoces, es posible que te des cuenta de que faltan algunas cosas. Estamos trabajando en ello, pero mientras tanto, todavía puedes acceder a la versión anterior usando este enlace.

    Caja Ciega


    DesignerCon 2021

    kozyndan are husband-and-wife multidisciplinary artists based in the Japanese countryside who work collaboratively to create obsessively detailed works of art. They work in drawing, painting, sculpture and photography. Their works often revolve around nature and our disconnection/need for reconnection with the natural world. Their work has been exhibited worldwide in museums from Los Angeles to Newcastle, UK, to Kiev, and galleries in Australia, Japan, Canada, Spain, the UK, Los Angeles, NYC and more. Their commercial work includes everything from album covers, dinner ware, and clothing lines, to interactive animation. kozyndan are obsessed with the ocean and being underwater and hope to someday come to rest at the bottom of the sea and slowly be devoured by deep creatures over many years.

    Caja Ciega

    Cuando compres desde una Caja Ciega, recibirás un coleccionable ALEATORIO de estas series, y no conocerás el coleccionable que has obtenido hasta finalizar el pago.