Ghostbusters, directed by Ivan Reitman and released in 1984, followed the crazy paranormal adventures of parapsychologists Peter Venkman, Raymond Stantz, and Egon Spengler. After losing their jobs as scientists at Columbia University, they establish the Ghostbusters - a paranormal investigation and elimination service. With their skills, they develop high-tech, ghost catching, equipment, all from a disused firehouse in New York. VeVe is proud to offer this officially licensed first series of from Ghostbusters I. With imagery, characters, and props from this iconic 80's pop culture hit, you can relive the experience with your own life-size Slimer, and other beloved characters, in VeVe premium digital format. This series sees the FIRST APPEARANCE of many characters from this brand in premium digital format. This series is available globally. TM & © 2020 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.